Grappler's For Autism Inc.
Dear Vendor,
The Board and I have met since April 2022 to assemble this program. The original idea behind this charity was to support the idea that. The original concept of the charity stemmed from the fact that my best friend, Kevin, got me into BJJ back in December 2015 in Wilmington, Delaware, and when he moved to Medford, Oregon, I came to visit, and I enrolled him in martial arts. My company, Whitaker’s Fitness Solutions LLC, sponsored him. A recommendation from a black belt from Medford, Oregon, back in 2018 led me to create a nonprofit called Grapplers for Autism Inc. in Delaware. The first idea was to raise scholarship money for persons diagnosed with Autism. The program was revamped during my transition from New Castle, Delaware, to Central Point, Oregon.
The program was redone in the State of Oregon in 2022, and the scope of the program became more inclusive and comprehensive than the idea initially thought of, thanks to my former Clerk and Administrative Assistant. who was Mr. Doug Antrim. Mr. Antrim implemented the idea that the program includes the neuro-divergent community and includes more ways that the nonprofit could benefit the community and the participants. Mr. Antrim left the board and restructured as the legal process took place as Grapplers for Autism Inc. became official. The board has been meeting monthly since I moved to Central Point, Oregon.
The board and I have been working hard on Mr. Antrim’s idea that the program should be for the neurodivergent and have more activities and momentum. From the last board meetings and discussion with Delmar Hussey, it was decided that Gis are collected to donate to grapplers that are in need with the patch sewn on it, sell and market the tie-dyed t-shirts with the Grapplers for Autism Inc logo on it, tie dye Gis, the selling of patches, and on a larger scale the board would like for the BJJ and MMA studios alike is to have a tie-dye fashion show for the charity. Some suggested Fight Win meets also tournaments for the cause. Next, I would explain the cause.
The cause for action came to move forward with this charity because I wouldn't say I liked how my best friend and others were treated in the community by the residents, and I was specifically told that he must stay inside his house, be excluded from activities, and how he should live in group home based upon his disability. My cause is to include individuals with disabilities in everyday life in mainstream society here in the Pacific Northwest to create empowerment, diversity, and inclusion for everyone. Individual Bazillion Jiu-jitsu studios may come up with their fundraiser, and once the money is received, you will receive a receipt for your taxes. Once the funds are received, 20% would go to administrative costs, and 80% would go towards scholarships for individuals in the neurodivergent community. If possible, I would like to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible.
Thank You,
Brian Whitaker
Owner and President
O: 541-727-7369 C: 302-339-9800
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